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"Towards inclusive, green city sanitation for Lusaka – achievements and way forward"

Gerlach, E., Mallaghan, A., Mbalo, D., Büürma, M., Surridge, T.

The Climate Friendly Sanitation (CFS) project provided support to stakeholders to develop on-site sanitation (OSS) and safe fecal sludge management (FSM) in Lusaka, Zambia. The project started in December 2016 and was implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in the context of the large, multi-donor Lusaka Sanitation Program (LSP).

The report "Towards inclusive, green city sanitation for Lusaka - achievements and way forward" reflects on the progress and impact of the CFS activities, including the deployment of the SaniPath Tool in four neighborhoods of Lusaka. The deployment was conducted in close collaboration with Lusaka City Council (LCC) and GIZ to inform risk-basked WASH interventions. LCC managed the data collection process, including collecting environmental samples from suspected contamination pathways, facilitating surveys, and collaborating with local laboratories. The recent report highlights the impact of using the SaniPath Tool in Lusaka.

"With the information generated by the SaniPath tool, LCC is already working from a more informed perspective. Inspections are becoming risk-based. SaniPath outputs have also proved useful for public education messaging: residents are more receptive to appeals backed by hard evidence."

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